The Committee
considered a joint report of the Director of Environment and Transport and the Director
of Corporate Resources which provided information on the proposed 2024/25 to
2027/28 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) as it related to the Highways and
Transport side of the Environment and Transport department. A copy of the
report marked ‘Agenda Item ‘8’ is filed with these minutes.
The Chairman
welcomed Mr. O. O’Shea CC, Cabinet Lead Member for Highways and Transport, to
the meeting for this item.
Arising from
discussion, the following points were noted:
financial position of the Council was both complex and sensitive. A Member
commented that the growth forecasted in the report was ‘frightening’ and
currently provided for no growth for areas such as highway maintenance in
2026/27 and 2027/28; growth being dominated by increased demand for SEN
G17 - SEN
(ii) There was substantial
growth in the demand for SEN Transport, but this did not appear to be reflected
in the demand for Adult Social Care Transport. Members queried whether a
delayed increase in number of users for Adults Social Care Transport was being
forecast. The Director confirmed that the trend for SEN transport demand was
not directly translating into increased transport requirements for adults. The
statutory responsibility to provide SEN Transport for children to attend school
did not apply to adults and given that the eligibility criteria for adult
transport services was different, this was not expected. Members noted,
however, that work was taking place between departments to create a better understanding
on where there could be knock on effects.
(iii) A Member commented that to reduce the cost of SEN Transport, a key
factor would be to understand where the demand for transport came from and
where this was going (i.e. to which school). It was suggested that delays in
the Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) process prevented transport needs
being met as efficiently as might otherwise be possible. Some children were not
able to attend the school located closest to their home and this resulted in
increased transport costs. Making late arrangements for transport also added to
cost and demand pressures as it was not possible to forward plan and
potentially co-ordinate journeys. The Director highlighted that the Children
and Families Service had been working hard to reduce the time it took to
undertake an EHCP through its Transforming SEND in Leicestershire Programme,
and the situation was improving but would continue to be monitored. Members
noted the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be
considering at its next meeting progress in delivering the TSIL programme.
(vi) The Council operated an in-house transport
service which was beneficial and reduced reliance on the private market. It operated a minibus fleet and deployed that
as efficiently as possible. A key risk
for operating an in-house service was the ability to recruit drivers. When
there were a significant number of vacancies, this affected service levels and
therefore having a mixed in-house and outsourced operation helped to balance
and manage that risk. The position was, however, kept under constant review.
(iv) The current outdated IT system used by
passenger transport services was being replaced. Whilst this would be a big
programme of work that would take time to bed in, in the longer term this would
help make the service more efficient. The new system had in built route
optimisation software that would enable officers to plan journeys more easily
and efficiently.
(v) The Director confirmed that the pressures regarding
SEN and SEN Transport was a national issue. The Association of Directors of
Children’s Services (ADCS) and the Association of Directors of Environment,
Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) had recently submitted recommendations
to Government on the changes and improvements needed. The Director undertook to
circulate copies of those recommendations to Committee Members so that these
could be endorsed.
ET6 (SR) Ending of HS2 Programme
(vi) The costs incurred by the Authority in relation
to the HS2 national scheme related to the small team established to work with
effected communities and HS2 Limited as the project developed. The Director
confirmed that no further costs had been incurred. The savings now included in
the MTFS reflected that this service was no longer needed in light of
cancellation of the scheme north of Birmingham by the government.
(vii) There had been a change in strategy regarding
bidding for funding for infrastructure works.
Government funding always required the Council to match fund any
successful bid. The cost of submitting a bid could also be substantial and
there was no guarantee of success. The principal that would now be applied
would be that no bid would be submitted in future if it could not be clearly
demonstrated that the costs and match funding could be met without the need for
Council funding.
(viii) Developer contributions were agreed as part of
the planning process for individual developments. It was proposed that in future, the inflation
rate applied in those agreements would be subject to a calculation that would
allow for rising inflation, given that some developments took years to come to
fruition. At present, the inflation rate
was set at the point of completion of the agreement. Rising inflation meant that the contributions
agreed did not meet the subsequent costs incurred by the Council in delivering
the agreed infrastructure. Members
supported the change in approach and agreed that the level of contribution
should reflect the costs being incurred at the point of delivery. Members noted
that in future the Council would also not deliver the infrastructure until much
later when contributions had been received rather than forward funding
(xi) It was noted that the tender for works
required to Zouch bridge had closed. An evaluation of those tenders would now
be undertaken following which a decision would be made on how to proceed. It
was too early in the process to know whether the tenders would come in within
the report on the Medium Term Financial Strategy
2024/25 -2027/28 be noted;
the comments now made be forwarded to the Scrutiny Commission for consideration
at its meeting on 29 January 2024;
the Director for Environment and Transport be requested to Committee Members
copies of the recommendations raised by the
Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) and The Association of
Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) in
relation to SEN Transport so that these could be endorsed.
Supporting documents: