Agenda item

Reports - Planning, Lost and Unrecorded Ways, Canals, Charnwood Forest


·       Planning

Nothing immediate to report although noted that a number of local plans being moved along.  VA raised concerns that often issues with Public Rights of Way adjacent to building site areas.  Often during works these become wrongly signed as walking and cycling routes when they are bridleways or bridleways being ignored completely.  Most notable issues where ROW are just outside the construction area.  Statutory Duty upon the contractor to include accurate ROW availability in their plan and that members should raise this with the LPA when absent and contractor will be required to re-submit their plan.


RD noted that there were mentioned as examples, particular issues in Blaby and that there was a need to look at the network as a whole during the planning process.


PL confirmed contractors often asked for Section 106 funding but now tend to ask under S278 Agreement of the Highways Act.  Local Authority cannot apply conditions to a developer they cannot fulfil, but where they cannot find another way to maintain the ROW there should be a route through provided. The planning framework LCWIPS does provide for the developer to contribute to a ROW.  EM said mostly the system is working but recognised that some things do get missed.  Issues noted in the Loughborough Garendon Park development.  EM confirmed that the developer has been asked to re-submit plans. RD asked for sight of this and this would be referred to working group.


MW raised ROW being lost in solar and battery farms development.  Funding available (£250m community funding is available), but nothing included in the Plan often a gentleman’s agreement rather than being conditional to make routes at least accessible.  Also, biodiversity net gain is something else which can be included.  Agreed that these were things that should be continued to be kept on the agenda so we can enforce what we can do where appropriate.


·       Lost and Unrecorded Ways

BHS system discussed and noted availability to all to gather information. Availability of on-line material is making task easier but feeling that application process is slowing down.


Noted that RD had resigned as Organiser Coordinator for the Ramblers Association.


BS recorded that there was a lack of transparency with information.  He had been made aware of a possibility of a site around Isley Walton for development and then it was published by the BBC on a website that 4500 homes to go up which also superseded field work on footpaths that had been undertaken.


MM offered to look at maps for new areas identified for development in NW Leics geolocate them and link the planning overlays with QGIS.

EM and PL indicated that they were prepared to conduct a pilot on NW Leics site using QGIS and overlays.  Agreed that this was a worthy project to be added to next agenda.

Noted that claimed ROW are disclosed when planning.


Agreed that informal groups such as BHS and the Ramblers Society should be consulted when schemes are put together.


·       Canals

No update.


·       Charnwood Forest

RD confirmed that the Charnwood Forest map was now available for sale.  Charnwood Project confirmed that there is to be a permitted path at Mount St Bernard’s Abbey to Charley Estate.


Car park complete at the Outwoods.


Bradgate Park Deer park to Old John path project will go ahead to provide a more secure walking surface (not a bridleway).


9 major projects within a 5-year plan which is expected to be extended.


Noted that match funding of £5.5m was available.


A reminder needed to be issued to notify archaeology if anything was uncovered during construction.  An application to be a geopark had been submitted.  Fossils have been found at an undisclosed location and archaeology was working to preserve them.