Agenda item

Road Casualty Reduction in Leicestershire.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport, the purpose of which was to provide an update on confirmed reported road casualty statistics up to the end of 2022, the Council’s approach to casualty reduction and the Leicestershire Police’s approach to road safety (as set out in Appendix A to the report).  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed Mr Graham Compton, Road Safety Officer at Leicestershire Police, to the meeting.  Mr Compton presented the Police Road Safety update (attached as appendix A to the report).


Arising from discussion the following points were made:


(i)               Members noted that despite efforts by the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership drink and drug driving were still on the rise. There was also an emerging problem related to e-scooters and e-bikes which had been involved in a number of collisions during the reporting period.  It was questioned whether current communication routes had been reviewed to ensure these provided the best reach to the widest demographic of people. Members were pleased to hear that the Partnership had its own communications officer that liaised with Councils and the Police and other partners and ran a number of campaigns through a range of media sources.  The Board had also identified possible actions to improve contacts with communities through community centres and existing locality groups and networks, as well as improve messaging through social media.  It was suggested that engaging with schools and universities, particularly regarding e-scooter and e-bike safety might be beneficial.  A Member also suggested the use of the Council’s Leicestershire Matters as a means of reaching every household in the County.

(ii)             Concerns were raised about the number of vehicles that had attempted to drive through flooded roads during the recent storms and the safety and resource implications this gave rise to.  The Director confirmed that through the recently revised Flood Risk Management Strategy action to improve messages around flooding were being undertaken.  Mr Compton further commented that responding to vehicles stuck in flood water used up considerable Fire Service resources and it had therefore done some excellent work in providing advice to residents and communities on this issue.  A Member commented that early flood warnings advising which roads were affected could help to encourage people to plan their routes to avoid these in the first place.

(iii)            Members commented that a growing number of complaints were being raised by residents about parking on footpaths.  This not only caused damage to footpaths but also hindered or prevented use entirely by those, for example, with pushchairs, who were partially sighted, or in a wheelchair.  It was recognised that the Police had limited resources to address such matters.  It was suggested that more needed to be done to educate communities to change their behaviour.

(iv)           Members welcomed the actions being taken by the Partnership to engage directly with hauliers regarding the inappropriate use of weight restricted roads.  Members noted that public reports of lorries travelling through weight restricted zones should be passed to local town or parish councils.  They were able to collate this data and the Partnership then used this to identify patterns of use or use by a specific business to support action being taken.  It was recognised that policing weight restricted zones to pursue a formal prosecution was labour intensive.  The Partnership therefore utilised the data provided by the public to issue warnings to drivers and/or hauliers.  A fall in complaints suggested that this approach was helpful.  The Director undertook to consider with the Partnership where residents in non parished areas could similarly report such information. 

(v)             At the request of a Member, the Director undertook to share a copy of the report now presented with the A5 Partnership which would be considering casualties along that stretch of road.  

(vi)           Members noted that monthly meetings at Force Headquarters were now being held involving all area commanders with the Road Safety Team.  This was proving to be an excellent forum through which all complaints emerging in each area could be shared and considered centrally. 



(a)  That the update on confirmed reported road casualty statistics up to the end of 2022, the Council’s approach to casualty reduction and the Leicestershire Police’s approach to road safety be noted;

(b)  That the Director be requested to consider with the Partnership where residents in non parished areas could report sightings of lorries using weight restricted roads;

(c)   That the Director be requested to share a copy of the report now presented with the A5 Partnership.


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