Purpose of committee
The Management Committee has overall strategic responsibility
of ESPO. Each constituent authority has two places on the Management Committee.
- Cllr Richard Baxter-Payne Warwickshire County Council
- Cllr James Bensly Norfolk County Council
- Cllr. Peter Butlin Warwickshire County Council
- Cllr. Stephen Ferguson Cambridgeshire County Council
- Cllr. Andrew Hagues Lincolnshire Coutny Council
- Cllr. Christian Hogg Peterborough City Council
- Cllr. Jane James Norfolk County Council
- Cllr Mohammed Jamil Peterborough City Council
- Mr. James Poland CC Leicestershire County Council
- Cllr. Sue Rawlins (Vice-Chair) Lincolnshire County Council
- Cllr. Neil Shailer Cambridgeshire County Council
- Rosemary Whitelaw (Secretary)
- Mrs. Maggie Wright CC Leicestershire County Council
Contact information
Support officer: Angie Smith (0116 305 2583).. Email: angie.smith@leics.gov.uk