Mailing list

ESPO Management Committee

Each address below is displayed as a comma separated value (CSV) list. You can copy and paste this information into a text file. Open the file in your word processor or spreadsheet for use in mail merges.

To use this information as a mail merge in a Microsoft Word document, copy and paste all the names and addresses including the headings 'Name, Address1 etc' into a Word document. To put it into table format: Highlight all the text, go to Table/Convert text to table/Make sure 'separate text at commas' is chosen then OK.

Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Postcode, Phone, Mobile, Email
Cllr Richard Baxter-Payne, (Address not supplied)
Cllr James Bensly, (Address not supplied)
Cllr Peter Butlin, (Address not supplied)
Cllr. Stephen Ferguson, (Address not supplied)
Cllr Andrew Hagues, (Address not supplied)
Cllr Christian Hogg, (Address not supplied)
Cllr Jane James, (Address not supplied)
Cllr Mohammed Jamil, (Address not supplied)
James Poland CC, Members' Secretariat, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8RA, 07764 966677, ,
Cllr. S. Rawlins, (Address not supplied)
Cllr Neil Shailer, (Address not supplied)
Maggie Wright CC, Teena, Croft Road, Thurlaston, Leicestershire, LE9 7TB, , 07815 450 031,