Issue - decisions

Half Year progress against Best Value Targets and Commitments.

16/01/2002 - Half Year progress against Best Value Targets and Commitments.

The Commission considered a joint report of the Chief Executive and County Treasurer concerning progress up to the end of September 2001 against the Performance Indicator targets and commitments that were made in the Council’s published Best Value Performance Plan for 2001/.02.  A copy of the report marked ‘B’ is filed with these minutes.


In reply to comments the County Treasurer agreed that there was a need for targets in subsequent years to be amended particularly in those circumstances where there had been a change of definition.




(a)       That the report be noted.


(b)       That, in relation to the commitments in the best value performance plan relating to the development of a Community Plan/Strategy, the Cabinet be advised:-


(i)         of the need to progress the development of a Community Plan/Strategy;


(ii)        of the wish of the Commission to be involved/consulted at each stage of the development of the Plan/Strategy.