Issue - decisions

Proposal to Build a Bridge in Partnership with Leicester City Council to Improve Connectivity between the North and South Sides of Watermead Country Park.

23/11/2018 - Improving Connectivity within Watermead Country Parks - New Footbridge and Cycleway.

(a)      That £750,000 be allocated for the construction of the footbridge and associated footpaths and cycleway at Watermead Parks identified on the plan appended to the report subject to the City Council agreeing to contribute the equivalent amount;


(b)      That the Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance be authorised to take all necessary steps to progress the project including leading on the procurement for the scheme and establishing joint programme arrangements with Leicester City Council;


(c)      That the continued partnership working between both Councils be welcomed and supported.






To improve connectivity within Watermead Country Parks and to promote, maintain and enhance the Parks as a visitor attraction.