a) That the recommencement of the review of all supported passenger transport services in line with the Council’s Passenger Transport Policy and Strategy be noted;
b) That the proposed programme of local focussed engagement and consultation to inform affected communities of the review outcomes and intended course of action as set out in paragraphs 58 to 66 of the report, be approved;
c) That it be noted that the Director of Environment and Transport, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member, will exercise existing delegated authority to implement the outcome of the service reviews.
The PTPS was adopted in October 2018 to ensure the delivery of value for money passenger transport services and to provide a robust and transparent framework for determining decisions on the provision of passenger transport services. In accordance with the PTPS Operational Handbook a programme of service reviews as set out in the 16 October 2018 Cabinet report commenced in December 2018, however, it was then paused in March 2020 due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the significant impacts it had on patronage and service operations.
The recommencement of the PTPS reviews of all supported bus services as listed in Appendix A, began in September 2022. These reviews are being undertaken in four batches, the first of which is nearing completion and is likely to result in changes to these services, including the likely withdrawal of some of them.
The outcome of these PTPS reviews against such a challenging financial backdrop will impact the levels of public transport in local communities, therefore, to ensure that service users are made aware of the future changes to supported bus services in their area, it is proposed that a number of route focused community engagement events and where necessary consultation will be undertaken during 2023.
Following the above, the Director of Environment and Transport, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Highways and Transport, will implement the necessary changes to services in line with delegations approved by the Cabinet in October 2018.