Issue - decisions

Review of Homeless Support Services - Outcome of Consultation.

24/11/2023 - Review of Homeless Support Services - Outcome of Consultation.

a)    That the outcome of the public consultation, including comments of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, on the proposed delivery model for homeless support across Leicestershire be noted;


b)    That the recommended model for homeless support detailed in paragraphs 52 to 58 of the report be approved with a view to commencing the new model on 1 April 2024;


c)    That it be noted that the County Council’s funding does not pay for the running of the Falcon Centre (a homeless hostel operated by Falcon Support Services, currently commissioned by the County Council to provide a homeless support service) and that is not the purpose of such funding.






Following a review of need, existing service provision, responsibilities of the County Council, and a review of consultation responses, a revised delivery model is proposed that offers a broader health and wellbeing offer and greater coverage across Leicestershire.


The current contract for the provision of homeless support services ends on 31 March 2024.


The Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24-2026/27 includes a requirement for savings via a review of homeless support services.