Issue - decisions

Interim Commissioning Arrangements for Sexual Health Services across Leicestershire and Rutland for 2024/25.

19/12/2023 - Interim Commissioning Arrangements for Sexual Health Services across Leicestershire and Rutland for 2024/25.

That the tender outcome be noted, and approval be given to the interim service plans to offer a direct award contract for one year, for the period 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025, to


i. one provider for the continuation of the Integrated Sexual Health Service (ISHS) provision


ii. multiple primary care providers to continue to deliver Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) across Leicestershire and Rutland.




The Council has a statutory responsibility to provide comprehensive open access sexual health services for the population.


The current contracts for the provision of sexual health services across Leicestershire and Rutland end on 31 March 2024.


A tender process was unsuccessful for the ISHS and LARC lots.  A direct award contract for 12 months will allow for continued provision of a sexual health service whilst a retender process is undertaken.