Issue - decisions

Charging for Social Care and Support Policy.

09/02/2024 - Charging for Social Care and Support Policy - Outcome of Consultation.

a)    That the outcome of the consultation on the proposed changes to be made to the Council’s Charging for Social Care and Support Policy, be noted;


b)    That the Council’s Charging for Social Care and Support Policy be approved for implementation from 8 April 2024.






The revised Policy will meet the principles for charging set out in the Care and Support Statutory Guidance.  It is a robust, up-to-date and comprehensive policy that will ensure that the Council is able to charge and collect contributions towards the cost of care and support services.


The feedback from the consultation exercise reflected the challenges in providing a technically detailed policy that is also easy to follow but there were no issues raised that have required any changes to the revised Policy. Further work will be undertaken to provide supporting information via factsheets to aid understanding.