Issue - decisions

Recycling and Household Waste Sites - Outcome of Public Consultation.

24/05/2024 - Recycling and Household Waste Sites - Outcome of Public Consultation and Proposed Service Changes

a)    That the Somerby Recycling and Household Waste Site (RHWS) be closed with effect from October 2024;


b)    That the opening arrangements at the Recycling and Household Waste Sites at Bottesford, Market Harborough, Kibworth, and Shepshed be as follows with effect from October 2024:


i.          Bottesford - three days per week,

ii.         Market Harborough - three days per week,

iii.        Kibworth - four days per week,

iv.        Shepshed - two days per week;


c)    That the summer opening hours at all the Council’s Recycling and Household Waste Sites be reduced with effect from April 2025, to be as follows:


i.          from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays;

ii.         from 9.00am to 7.00pm on other days;


d)    That all the Council’s Recycling and Household Waste Sites be closed on Christmas Eve with effect from December 2024;


e)    That subject to approval of a) above, the Somerby RHWS be considered for disposal. 






To note the outcome of the public consultation.


The recommended proposals will enable the savings target set out in the 2024-28 Medium Term Financial Strategy to be achieved.


The Cabinet in June 2023 accepted the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review Panel including that if sites were closed, initially plans to decommission but not sell them be supported. Only the Somerby RHWS is now proposed for closure and the site is then likely to be surplus to requirement. If so, its future use or disposal would be a matter for the Director of Corporate Resources using his delegated powers.