
Decisions published

23/10/2024 - Sale of former Highways Depot at Billesdon ref: 15571    Recommendations Approved

No use of the asset for the delivery of County Council services has been identified. This disposal approach is expected to attain a capital receipt which will support the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. To support the medium- and long-term strategy adopted by Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) in terms of training and facilities for the Authority. The sale to the LFRS will help its continued investment in workforce/facilities to meet the standard of a modern-day fire and rescue service, helping to safeguard communities.

Decision Maker: Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 23/10/2024


To sell the former Billesdon Highways Depot, extending to 1.79 hectares (4.43 acres) which has been declared surplus to requirements to the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service.

Lead officer: Declan Keegan

23/10/2024 - Disposal of land at Bloods Hill, Kirby Muxloe ref: 15570    Recommendations Approved

No use of the asset for the delivery of County Council services has been identified. This disposal approach is expected to maximise the capital receipt received, which will support the County Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Decision Maker: Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 23/10/2024


To dispose of 11.76 acres of land or thereabouts situated at Bloods Hill, Kirby Muxloe which has been declared surplus to requirements to an adjoining landowner/developer.

Lead officer: Declan Keegan