Terms of Reference
Hinckley Town Centre should provide an excellent location where businesses can flourish and all residents, visitors, shoppers and can enjoy a high quality of life and service in a clean and attractive environment, without fear of crime. Everyone should have a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
To facilitate partnership between businesses, local authorities, the Police and other appropriate stakeholders to work towards this Vision by:
§ Identifying priorities for improving the vitality and economic viability of Hinckley Town Centre.
§ Developing partnership projects and initiatives based on those priorities – for implementation by appropriate partner organisations.
§ Identifying funding/resources to deliver the projects and initiatives.
§ Improving partnership working on town centre issues, considering possible structures such as a Business Improvement District (BID), management company or other structure.
§ Acting as a champion and ambassador for Hinckley Town Centre.
Senior Regeneration Officer / Major Projects
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
Council Offices, Argents Mead
LE10 1BZ
Email: jonathan.white@hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk