Outside body

The Bernard Thorpe Educational Foundation


The purpose of the Educational Foundation is for the advancement of education in the beneficial area(Shepshed and the neighboourhood):-


 1.        By the provision for Shepshed County Secondary Modern School and community centre or evening institute attached to it of apparatus, equipment, furniture, works or art, buildings and amenities other than those normally provided by the local education authority.


2.         For or towards the provision of lectures, recitals, debates, concerts, entertainments, exhibitions, ballets, theatrical and dramatic performances or films of educational value in the beneficial area and in paying the fees and expenses thereto, but in every case avoiding the introduction of party politics.


3.         For giving assistance (otherwise than such as may be given by the local education authority) to individual pupils or groups of pupils and members of staff of the said school and members and leaders of recognised youth groups in the beneficial area (so far as any such persons are in the opinion of the Trustees in need of financial assistance) for going on such expeditions at home or abroad as may enable them to pursue research or study or by means of social and physical training and endurance to acquire cultivate or develop such qualities or character as may better equip them for work.


4.         For and towards any purpose having in view (otherwise than by direct relief of rates) such social cultural and recreational activities in Shepshed - neighbourhood as may further educate residents therein.


5.         Towards other purposes comprehended in paramount purpose of this Trust.

Contact information

Clerk to the Trustees

Our representatives