Register of interests

Phil King CC

I Phil King CC a Member/Co-opted Member of Leicestershire County Council set out below under the appropriate headings the interests which I am required to declare by law and under the Leicestershire County Council Members' Code of Conduct. I have put "none" where I have not such interests under any heading.


1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation - Please specify any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
Member: Spouse/Partner
Harborough District Council - Councillor Charity Worker, Stroke Association
East Midlands Councils, Conservative Group Leader -
2. Sponsorship - Please specify any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the Authority) made or provided within the last 12 months in respect of any expenses you have incurred in carrying out your duties as a member, or towards your election expenses.
Member: Spouse/Partner
Harborough Conservative Association - pays election expenses directly with third party suppliers. -
3. Contracts - Please specify any contract made between a relevant person (or a body in with a relevant person has a beneficial interest) and the Authority under which goods or services are to be provided or works are executed, and which has not been fully discharged.
Member: Spouse/Partner/Body:
None known None known
4. Land - Please specify the address or other description of any land in which a relevant person has a beneficial interest and which is in the Authority's area (including place(s) of residence)
Member: Spouse/Partner:
19 Elliot Close, Kibworth, Leics, LE8 0EZ -
5. Licences - Please specify the address or other description of any land in the Authority's area which a relevant person (either alone or jointly with others) has a licence to occupy for a month or longer.
Member Spouse/Partner
none none
6. Corporate Tenancies - Please specify any tenancy where, to your knowledge the landlord is the Authority and the tenant is a body in which a relevant person has a beneficial interest.
Member/Spouse/Partner - Name of body which is the tenant: Address or other description of the land:
none -
Securities - Please specify any beneficial interest held by you or a relevant person in the securities of a body which (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the area of the Authority and either [see note for further details]
Member: Spouse/Partner:
None known -
None known -


Interests in other bodies - Please specify any membership or position of general control or management you occupy in any of the following [see note for further information] See note 8
Name of body Nature of Interest (i.e. Member, Trustee, Governor)
Harborough District Council (HDC) Member
Harborough Conservative Association Member
Conservative Councillors Association Member
Leicestershire autism Society Charity no507300 Member
The Carers Centre, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland registered Charity no 1043956 Member
Chartered Institute of Fundraising Member
Association of Professional Sales Member
Institute of Learning and Management Member
The Biz Club, Uppingham, Rutland Member
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Member
University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust Member
The Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland registered charity no 214726 Member
Local Government Association Resources Board LGA member
Foxton Locks Partnership Member
Arthritis Support Leicestershire Wife is member
National Autistic Society Member
Women’s Institute Wife is member
East Midlands Council’s Assembly (EMC) Member
Conservative Group Leader, East Midlands Council’s Group Leader
East Midlands Council’s Management Board & Executive Member
Free Speech Union Member
Gifts and Hospitality - Please specify the details of any gifts or hospitality received from any person or body with an estimated value of £50 or over which you have received within the last 12 months. [see note for further information] See note 9
Date/Offering Person/Organisation Nature of Gift/Hospitality/Accepted/Declined