Issue - meetings

Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).

Meeting: 07/11/2007 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 39)

Questions asked by members under Standing Order 7(3) and 7(5).


Mr John Legrys asked the following questions of the Chairman under Standing Order 7(3):-


A.        General County Wide Policy


The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 Section 62A-E give the police powers to remove travellers trespassing, providing a suitable pitch was available on a local authority managed site in the same LA area.  The Housing Act 2004 Section 225 ten years later required councils to carry out an assessment of need for traveller sites and, if a shortfall was found, to prepare a strategy in respect of the meeting of such needs and to identify land for new sites. 


1.                  What was the result of the assessment for the County of Leicestershire?

2.                  When was this assessment carried out?

3.                  How many sites/pitches are needed in total across the County? 

4.                  In which districts are they needed?

5.                  How many sites/pitches are needed in each of these districts?

6.                  Is it the intention eventually to have a least one transit site per district?


In 2004 a Joint Officer Working Party of the County Council, all District Councils, Leicester City Council and Rutland was formed to develop proposals for the development of suitable sites.  The paper to Cabinet on 16th January 2007, paragraph 13, mentioned that sites have been only been identified by the County Council and the City Council.


7.                  Where were the County Sites?


8.                  What has happened to these sites?


The following have been given as criteria for the selection of suitable transit sites


·                    The areas of greatest concentration of unauthorised encampments

·                    Traveller routes

·                    Location of doctors' surgeries and other amenities

·                    Near to established Traveller sites

·                    Good but safe access to major roads

·                    Access to services (water, electricity)

·                    Sites with as low as possible impact on local communities

·                    Accessible to most of the relevant District


9.                  What is the origin of each of these criteria?

10.             Are there any other important criteria which have should be included in this list?


B.        With respect to a proposed site in the District of NW Leicestershire


1.                  How many pitches are being sought for the proposed site?

2.                  How many caravans will this include?

3.                  What is the total population estimated for this site?

4.                  How many adults in total will this include?

5.                  Has there been any estimate of the number of children this will include?


6.                  Can you list the sites that were initially surveyed for the transit site in NW Leics? 


7.                  Was land in the ownership of British Coal and other large landowners considered?


8.                  Were British Coal and the NFU approached regarding sites?


9.                  What factors led the Council's property department to recommend the Lockington/Hemington sites?

10.             Why was it decided not to proceed with these sites?


11.             Mention was made of feedback from a consultation meeting with North West Leicestershire Parish Councils in March 2007.  Can you list who was invited to this meeting?


12.             Were invitations sent to the Parish Councils of Ravenstone, Swannington and Coleorton?


13.             If so who were they addressed to?


C.        With respect to the current consideration of the three sites in NW Leicestershire


1.                  Were any soundings taken before these 3 sites were selected?  If so what?


2.                  Have surveys (soil tests etc) been made of any of the proposed sites?  If so, where and when?


3.                  Is the property dept working on other sites in NW Leics?

4.                  Why wasn't Scrutiny consulted on the non site specific bid?


D.        With respect to the consultation process


1.                  Who is being consulted on these three sites (list organisations please)?


2.                  Are the police, doctors, schools, PCT  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39