Agenda and minutes

Leicestershire Schools' Forum - Thursday, 13 February 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse, Leicestershire

Contact: Karen Brown / Bryn Emerson (Tel. 0116 305 6432)  Email: / Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence/Substitutions.


Apologies were received from Lesley Hagger, Gill Weston,
Sonia Singleton, John Bassford, Sue Horn, Ed McGovern and Andy Reeve



Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th November 2013 (previously circulated) and matters arising. pdf icon PDF 80 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2013 were agreed as a true record.


There were no matters arising.



New Membership List pdf icon PDF 40 KB


Jenny Lawrence reported there were a number of inaccuracies within the current membership list; a revised list would therefore be circulated with the minutes.


Jenny explained that the membership list on the website did not contain contact email addresses but asked for permission for email addresses to be circulated amongst Forum members.  Agreed: new list with emails to be sent out with the minutes.


Jean Lewis asked about Special School representation.  Jenny clarified there were 2 Special School representatives - JoAnne Rees was a nominated substitute, not an additional member.



The Schools’ Forum noted the paper.



Behaviour Partnership and PRU Update pdf icon PDF 78 KB


Jenny Lawrence reported that following the last meeting she was pleased to report work had now started with Partnerships around shadow arrangements in the run up to implementation of Cabinet decision to devolve KS3 funding from 28 April.  (Paragraph 9), Resource Implications – Jenny stated that those allocations are for a full financial year new arrangements not until 28 April. 


Brian Myatt reported that Charlie Palmer had previously agreed with the 5 Partnership Chairs that there would be lead-in funding from January, in order to prepare for the infrastructure of KS3 provision for the April transfer.  However, Brian was disappointed that Chris Connearn had informed him last week there would not be any funding.


Agreed – Jenny to discuss with Chris Bristow and feed back to the 5 Chairs prior to their next meeting on 7th March.



2014/15 Schools Budget pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Additional documents:


Jenny Lawrence talked through the 2014/15 Schools Budget paper and the following points were noted:-


·         Para 11 – Jenny reported that information had now been provided to the EFA and they had come back to declare that 2014/15 formula complies with all the regulations.  Draft budgets allocations were released to schools last week.


·         Para 14, item 4 – proposal to move early years expenditure into Dedicated Schools Grant.  The Local Authority intention is that all early years expenditure should be funded from DSG.


·         Para 12 - Richard Spurr asked if the dataset was available.  Jenny outlined that reference around age range pupil numbers information had been made available to schools in November.  Jenny to look back to see if can release that information on a section by section basis, although Section 251 details budgets all maintained schools, may be a more useful document.


·         Para 14 - David Thomas – approval of £2.5M central early years expenditure – can we increase?  Jenny - yes budget proposals include this switch. 


·         Alex Green – funding pupil number growth – would that amount come from the capital allocation rather than taking money from DSG?  Jenny - no, wrong sort of money – it is capital money for the provision of pupil places, can not use that for revenue purposes.


·         Alex Green – in relation to statutory duties for LA – may well lessen as percentage to match with academy conversion, have less statutory duties so is the percentage retained now less?


Jenny – no, work done through LGA in the run up to 2013/14 budgets to try and identify cost associated with statutory duties.  Had to take cost savings from the overall County Council budget.

AGREED: (Paragraph 14) - Recommendation 3 – Funding for the Local Authority in order to meet prescribed statutory duties placed upon it.


AGREED: Recommendation 4 – Funding for Early Years Expenditure.


·         Jean Lewis – miscellaneous commissioning budget for Schools Causing Concern – were they reduced or have they remained the same?  Jenny confirmed that budget had always been maintained at that level, fewer schools now but work with those schools is increasing. 


·         Item 3 - Premature Retirement Costs – Alex Green - what does that affect?  Jenny - overall budget is £2M largely teaching staff in schools that retired, allowed to take early release of pension.  DSG cannot meet any new costs, they fall to the Local Authority.


·         Jenny reported we are awaiting information of what School Funding Reform 2015/16 will bring.  No sight of consultation yet.  Expect that to refer to Schools Block of that element, will not touch Early Years or High Needs


·         High Needs – this block is based on levels of historic spend.  2014/15 first full year LA funded High Needs places academies and providers FE colleges.  This element of settlement is one the EFA continually keep changing.  This is a provisional allocation – detail to be received end of March.  Post-16 pupils data now more robust – we believe this block is over-estimated.


·         Para 17 - Early Years Block now includes funding for extension 40% most deprived 2 year olds, which will be a statutory duty for Local Authorities from September 2014.


·         Para 19 – made switch from Schools Block to High Needs Block.  One change in settlement is that schools are no longer required to participate in LA Carbon Reduction Scheme.  EFA removal of £0.53M of funding yet the budget was £0.45M so this change is not cost neutral at LA level 


·         David Thomas - High Needs – data suggests final settlement a lot lower – how much lower than £54.1M?  Jenny -  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Any other business.


Chris Bristow reported that the SEN & Disability reform will impact over the County Council as a whole, need to look at the impact and to ensure Leicestershire’s readiness to implement key changes.  A consultant has been engaged to advise Leicestershire on the implementation and he would like to speak to representatives from Schools’ Forum on issues around SEND reform. 


ACTION: Chris to arrange a brief meeting with Forum members


Date of next meeting.

Monday 16 June 2014, 2.00 – 4.00pm



Monday 16 June 2014, 2.00 – 4.00pm

Thursday 18 September 2014, 2.00 – 4.00pm


at Beaumanor Hall.