Agenda item

Risk Management Update


[Mr. J. Kaufman left the meeting at this point and did not return to the meeting]


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which provided an overview of the key risk areas faced by the County Council and the measures being taken to address them.  A copy of the report marked, ‘Agenda Item 7’, is filed with these minutes.


As part of this item, the Committee also received a presentation on Corporate Risk 1.3 on the Corporate Risk Register (If the Council fails to maximise developer contributions, then there could be a failure to fund corporate infrastructure projects).  A copy of the presentation slides is filed with these minutes.


Presentation – Supporting the Growth Agenda in Leicestershire


Arising from the presentation, the following points arose:


i)      A need for greater central oversight of increasing growth pressures facing the Council had been identified and the Growth Unit had been established to fulfil that role with appropriate resources allocated to support this.  The Head of the Growth Unit and Major Programmes undertook to provide members with a copy of the Cabinet report relating to the establishment of the unit.


ii)     The Head of the Growth Unit and Major Programmes provided reassurance that alongside the new officer governance arrangements established to support the work of the Unit, reports would continue to be presented to members in the usual way to ensure robust oversight of largescale growth projects.  This would include the Cabinet, Scrutiny and the Corporate Governance Committee as appropriate.


iii)   A primary aim of the Growth Unit would be to develop an infrastructure plan. This would provide for a more collaborative approach when dealing with large scale developments across the County and help maximise and secure developer contributions to support infrastructure costs.


iv)   The delivery of infrastructure by the County Council to support growth schemes would be dependent on developers contributing towards the cost of such works via Section 106 agreements.  Members reinforced the need for developers to contribute to public services in a fair and proportionate way.


v)    Various funding options were being explored to secure delivery of the Council’s Affordable and Quality Homes Strategic Plan Outcome. Timing and forward planning would be important to ensure works, funding arrangements and overall housing delivery timescales were coordinated, and unnecessary costs avoided.


vi)   The Council’s environmental commitments to reduce carbon emissions would be considered as part of each growth project.


Risk Register


Arising from discussion, the following comments were made:


i)      In reference to Corporate Risk 7.2 ‘Failure to recruit and retain staff (Children and Family Services)’, a Member queried if there was flexibility for the Council to overrecruit in this area to meet future demand.  The Director confirmed it was possible but unlikely to happen at this time due to a shortage of people applying for the roles.  Members noted that the difficulties faced by the County Council regarding recruitment and retention was reflective of the service area and an issue nationally.  One of the main issues faced by local authorities was that numbers of workers being trained to a higher level were moving on to higher paid roles in the private sector. The Department was re-developing its recruitment offer to ensure this was as competitive as could be – working life balance and flexible working arrangements would be key points of focus.


ii)     In response to a concern raised by a Member regarding perceived risks associated with the re-procurement of Home Care Services, the Director undertook to provide further information from the Adults and Communities Department who were undertaking the re-procurement process.


iii)   It was suggested that a presentation be provided at the next meeting of the Committee on Corporate Risk 7.1 (If sickness absence is not effectively managed then staff costs, service delivery and staff wellbeing will be impacted).




(a)  That the current status of the strategic risks facing the County Council be approved;

(b)  That the content of the presentation provided on corporate risk 1.3 ‘If the Council fails to maximise developer contributions, then there could be a failure to fund corporate infrastructure projects’ be noted;

(c)  That a copy of the ‘Supporting Growth in Leicestershire’ report which was presented to the Cabinet on 24 May 2019 be circulated to Members of the Committee for information;

(d)  That at the next meeting of the Committee a presentation be provided on corporate risk 7.1 ‘If sickness absence is not effectively managed then staff costs, service delivery and staff wellbeing will be impacted’;


(e)  That the updates provided on HS2 Phase 2B be noted;


(f)   That the update provided on the risk management health check be noted.

Supporting documents: